2222 Leavenworth Street Suite #304

San Francisco, Ca. 94133
Telephone: 415.928.4229
FAX: 415.567.9945
EMAIL: info@thoughtinc.com
URL: www.thoughtinc.com

The Premier Supplier of Programmer's Tool Chests for Java Development.

Even with the revolutionary Java(tm) Language, low-level programming tasks still require enormous time commitments. One area where this is particularly true is 'list management', which has been fairly primitive in the Java(tm) Class libraries. Until now.

THOUGHT Inc.(tm) solves this problem for you with Nutmeg(tm).

We at THOUGHT Inc.(tm) have address the problem of making Java(tm) useful for low-level programming tasks by creating a set of Java(tm) Classes called Nutmeg(tm). THOUGHT Inc.(tm) modeled these Classes after the Smalltalk Collection class library. Programmers know Smalltalk as a powerful programming language for applications like 'list management', combining elegance with that power.

Nutmeg(tm) emulates the power and elegance of Smalltalk 'list management' for the Java(tm) Language programmer. This high-performance tool assists Java(tm) programmers in the reliable and time-critical development of advanced applications utilizing Java(tm).

THOUGHT Inc.'s(tm) Nutmeg(tm) Class library includes the following classes and features:

  • All classes have a consistent Programming interface
  • Arrays for Simple Information Management
  • Indexed Collections
  • Ordered and Sorted Collections
  • Sets
  • Dictionaries
  • Sub-classes which can be created by users
  • Choice of many Advanced List Classes

Further, users can define Smalltalk-style or Java(tm)-style error-handling protocols, as well as programmer-defined sorting criteria. In most areas, programmer-defined error-handling protocols are also made possible. Nutmeg(tm) also utilizes 'set theory' concepts, using Object Selection and Rejection methods, incorporating User-Defined Execution Blocks.

Nutmeg's(tm) robust Classes increase the usability of Java for doing serious, large-scale development with the Java(tm) language, while at the same time providing a simple powerful and high-performance interface for generic 'list management' tasks. Classes such as Nutmeg's(tm) 'SortedCollection' have similar performance characteristics to 'HashTable' from the Java(tm) Development Kit, while providing non-final methods and sequential-ordered access to their contents!

Finally THOUGHT Inc.'s(tm) Nutmeg(tm) integrates seamlessly with THOUGHT Inc.'s(tm) other development tools, CinnaMoney(tm) and VanillaSearch(tm).

Accurate financial and engineering calculations have not been possible using the base Java(tm) Developer's Kit.

THOUGHT Inc.(tm) solves this problem with CinnaMoney(tm).

CinnaMoney is THOUGHT Inc's(tm) discretionary and arbitrary precision math class. With CinnaMoney(tm), financial institutions, or any organization with significant financial operations, can now do intricate calculations over the internet/intranet, using Java(tm) programming, and accurately keep track of, and accurately display trillions of yen, or fractions of pennies.

Engineers and scientists can now use CinnaMoney(tm) with hundreds of machines on the Internet to generate weather forecast maps, or accurately map the stars. The enormous implications of the explosive use of the Intern as a way to share computing resources mandate THOUGHT Inc.'s(tm) CinnaMoney(tm) as a tool for the serious Java(tm) programmer.

THOUGHT Inc's(tm) CinnaMoney(tm) includes the following features and benefits:

  • CinnaMoney(tm) is easy to use.
  • CinnaMoney(tm) has discretionary and arbitrary precisions to handle complex financial calculations.
  • The programmer can easily convert native Java(tm) datatypes (such as String, float, int and long) into CinnaMoney(tm) Objects, utilizing the built-in conversion routine.
  • CinnaMoney(tm) integrates with THOUGHT Inc.'s(tm) Nutmeg(tm) for the sorting and manipulation of CinnaMoney(tm) values.
  • Java(tm) programmers can determine the precision of calculations, as well as the precision of the display and printing of results.
  • Precision can be redefined "On-the-Fly."
  • The standard Java(tm) method "toString()" is implemented, so the class knows how to print properly to output devices.

CinnaMoney(tm) was designed to overcome the problem of floating-point inacuracies and precision limitations. This Class represents true decimal numbers. Using CinnaMoney(tm), your application doesn't have to approximate in a floating point manner.

Of course, THOUGHT Inc.'s(tm) CinnaMoney(tm) integrates seamlessly with THOUGHT Inc.'s(tm) other development tools, Nutmeg(tm) and VanillaSearch(tm).

CinnaMoney(tm) is an absolutely essential tool for the Java(tm) programmer interested in serious programming for the commercial, financial, scientific or engineering markets.

Java(tm) Language programmers have not been able to easily embed powerful wildcard searching in their software, and would have to spend enormous amounts of time creating their own Java(tm)-specific search class. Until now.

THOUGHT Inc.(tm) solves this problem with Vanilla Search(tm).

Vanilla Search(tm) is THOUGHT Inc.'s(tm) new 'off-the-shelf' search class. Vanilla Search(tm) provides extremely powerful pattern-matching search capability, using industry standard 'regular expression' syntax, derived from Unix-Grep/Perl syntax. With VanillaSearch(tm), adding powerful wildcard searching to any Java(tm) application has become unbelievably simple and extremely reliable.

THOUGHT Inc.'s(tm) Vanilla Search(tm) offers the following benefits to the Java(tm) Programmer:

  • Add Powerful Wildcard Searching to Java(tm) Applications.
  • Reliability of Operation.
  • Understands Java(tm) Data-Types, such as String and char[].
  • Patterns and Searchable Data of ANY LENGTH!!
  • Industry-Standard Regular-Expression Syntax derived from Perl/Unix-Grep.
  • Full Unicode Support for wildcard searching in ANY language (chinese, japanese, cyrillic, etc.)!
  • User definable Meta Characters for easy support of non-english wildcard characters.
  • Seamless Integration with THOUGHT Inc.'s(tm) Nutmeg(tm) and CinnaMoney(tm).

Like all of THOUGHT Inc.'s(tm) products, VanillaSearch(tm) seamlessly integrates with Nutmeg(tm) and CinnaMoney(tm) for ease in Java(tm) development continuity.

VanillaSearch is power and convenience at an extraordinary price. Brought to you, the serious Java(tm) programmer, by THOUGHT Inc.(tm).

You thought it, made it! Give us your feedback, let us know how we're doing!